For the purpose of not being flagged by whoever it is that runs the internet, I’m going to be referring to the very popular injections that rhyme with Fotox as ‘anti-wrinkle’ injections.
For the purpose of not being flagged by whoever it is that runs the internet, I’m going to be referring to the very popular injections that rhyme with Fotox as ‘anti-wrinkle’ injections.
Let’s talk wrinkles.
So, there are two kinds of wrinkles, dynamic wrinkles and static wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles appear upon movement, so if you raise your eyebrows or frown and lines appear, those are dynamic wrinkles. Static wrinkles are engraved into the skin from years and years of movement. They’ll stay etched in regardless of whether or not your muscles are moving. So, what exactly do ‘anti-wrinkle’ injections do? To put it simply, it relaxes the muscle so you’re no longer able to create dynamic wrinkles. If done repeatedly over the course of many years, it can be used as a preventative measure to reduce the likelihood of static wrinkles etching their way into your skin. Really, it’s more of a preventative measure, and wildly misunderstood as “treating” wrinkles. ‘Anti-wrinkle’ injections treat dynamic wrinkles, not static wrinkles.
TLDR: ‘Anti-wrinkle’ softens expressions by relaxing the muscle. Less muscle activity = fewer static wrinkles in the future.
Everyone is different. Some people don’t use their eyebrows at all, and therefore don’t need it. Some people are constantly wiggling their eyebrows around, even when they’re just watching a movie or reading a book. A good time to start would be when you first start to notice very fine lines. Don’t wait for them to completely dig themselves in and make themselves a nice cozy home on your forehead. They’re very difficult to treat at that stage.
Scientifically speaking, ‘anti-wrinkle’ injections last around 3.5-4 months. Most people don’t feel the need to re-inject until about month 6. On average, I would say twice a year is a good happy place.
No. ‘anti-wrinkle’ injections cannot be reversed; you’ll have to leave that problem to father time. It will slowly fade over the next 3.5-4 months.
Not if its injected properly! A good injector takes their time to study your muscles properly because everyone’s muscle anatomy is different. I’ve been injecting for years now and I don’t think I’ve come across two foreheads that were exactly the same. If it’s your first time with an injector, I recommend getting the least amount of units possible on your first visit, because you can always add more, but you can’t take it away.
Sometimes. It depends on the way your muscles work and where your wrinkles are on your forehead, not everyone is a good candidate. Unfortunately, I can’t see you through the screen, so my short answer would be if you are a candidate for an eyebrow lift, we’re talking about 2-3mm. Nothing crazy, but it can definitely open up your eyes at the tail of your eyebrow and give you a more “awake” look.